
Who will I become?


When we were little, we often fantasized about who we will become when we grew up. Astronaut, explorer, art restorer, anything our little minds could come up with. Once we grow up and have chosen some direction for our lives, we stop envisioning that future self – or at least that was the case for me. Life kept me busy and I kept running around trying to finish my Master degree.


But then I was invited to join the workshop “Who will I become”, created by life coach Laura Curta (she shares awesome tips on Instagram, you should really check her out) and hosted by Tint.


In a rainy evening, we were guided towards exploring our inner desires about the future, and about who we would like to become. Laura used a selection of beautiful images for each question to help us visualise and explore our future selves.


Let’s test it out. Read the question, look at the pictures, and quickly jot down the answer. Try not to think about it much, but trust the first associations you have with the set of images. Ready? You have 20 seconds.

Who are you?


Done?! What did you come up with?


If you feel like, share it on Tint’s Instagram or Facebook or in the comments below. Let’s explore where our wild imagination goes to – I’m curious what you got.


In fact, I would argue that the best part about the workshop was actually discussing and sharing what each came up with, what surprised us, what we thought was telling. The group was really open and, with Laura as a mediator, it felt like a safe space to have big conversations. It was both comforting and inspiring to learn about other people’s goals and priorities, and how they were similar or different to my own. Participants discussed looking to reconnect with their parents, wanting to be more honest about their mood in daily interactions, aiming to be more forgiving and indulgent with themselves.


We also came up with a vision for our future selves, which is something I’ve oddly spent a lot of time on when it comes to brands and companies during my studies, but that I had never actually taken time to construct for myself. While sharing our visions in the group, I learnt a new phrase that has been stuck in my head since the workshop: "to look at others with “unconditional positive regard” – what a beautiful sentiment.


To crown the evening, we came up with our guides on how to respond to life events, which is such a great tool in being more mindful and acting with purpose.


So if you haven’t stopped to think about who you are becoming and who you want to become, I highly recommend you take the time to do some self-reflecting, and join future editions of this workshop if you would like more guidance and community support in that journey.



Written by Mariana Souza




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TINT Eindhoven

Eindhoven University of Technology

Atlas building, 2nd floor

Groene Loper 3

5612 AE Eindhoven



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