[Scroll down for a visual representation of some highlights, and links to the complete annual report in Dutch and English.]

2020 was for TINT also a special year. Meeting each other and making connections are the core of TINT’s activities. These activities are about life questions, meaning, personal development and intercultural and interreligious connection: subjects for which live conversations and encounters are indispensable. After March 2020 it was over with live talks for the rest of the year (with some exceptions in short periods). Everything had to be online.
Working online wasn’t new to TINT. Via social media and the website, more general communication with the students and event participants was already largely online. Signing up and booking tickets also went (and will continue to go) digitally. With this basic experience and the advantage of being a small organization, TINT was able to quickly
switch to online activities. Ongoing and planned activities (such as mindfulness, workshops, and events) were - where possible - converted to online activities. New online activities were set up, such as starting the day together twice a week, podcasts, and weekly lunch together. The coaching conversations were also continued online and - when possible - during outside walks.
It was very encouraging for TINT - and probably also for other parties - to experience that the collaboration in the field of community and student welfare was intensive and fruitful, especially with this sudden switch to online communication only (and will continue to be after 2020). An example was the TU/e Community Radio, where broadcasts were provided by different parties to form a varied whole. Reference was also made to each other’s activities, resulting in a more diverse and wide range of offers.
Creativity, however, remained crucial. After working well in the first wave, interest in online activities declined (due to online fatigue) and with it the ability to reach students declined. All while the concern for the wellbeing of certain groups and individual students grew due to the continuing lack of a retern to a (new) normal. TINT, together with others, searched here for what else was possible.
But the restrictions due to corona, such as working from home and online, did not only apply to the students. The TINT Team and board also had to make these changes. Especially in the second half of the year, having to work online for a long time turned out to be a major challenge to retain the same creativity and enthusiasm as in the situation before corona.
2020 was an important positive milestone for TINT because the basic funding for TINT’s work for the period up to and including 2024 was largely completed. The Protestantse Kerk Nederland (PKN) has awarded a subsidy for the period from 2020 to 2024 in response to an application submitted by TINT together with the Christian student associations and organizations IFES and Navigators. Eindhoven Technical University (TU/e) also approved the basis for an extension of the cooperation agreement between TU/e and TINT for 2021 - 2024. At TINT we are extremely grateful for this multi-year commitment of financialsupport for the work, as well as for thesupport of the Protestantse Gemeente Eindhoven, Stichting Boelaars de Vries, De Kapel, and others, who jointly make the work of TINT possible.
This foundation for continuity in the coming years is also an invitation to look ahead to beyond the end of the corona restrictions. What have we learned and what can we develop further. But also: What are the consequences of very limited live contact for students for a year and a half and what does that mean for new points of attention and creativity in TINT’s activities?
TINT wants to continue its close collaboration with others, especially with these new challenges and activities. The major changes that occurred in 2020, which were always different than expected, have shown once again how important collaboration is. That is why, especially after this year, we would like to thank all our partners and also the participants in our activities for this cooperation, involvement and support!
Willem Mak
Chairman Stichting TINT Eindhoven