Past events of 2024 - 2025

10|09|2024 Make Friends in Eindhoven

Welcome to Eindhoven! 


We have collected knowledge from old students to make starting your life here in Eindhoven a little bit easier. Together with Cosmos we will host a fun and casual night where you can meet other students who are also new in Eindhoven. We will offer you the opportunity to connect with new people and build up a new social circle, and you will also be given some tips on communicating with and approaching new people.


Join us for a nice evening of snacks and conversations in the Common Room to kickstart your student life in Eindhoven!


17|09|2024 Ichthus+TINT: Free Lunch

Come join a free lunch together with Ichthus and TINT, where there is room for interesting conversations about life questions. Bring your friends for this nice lunch and conversation opportunity!


With a nice conversation topic, you get the chance to have some deeper conversation with others interested in the same topic. A great way to connect, and take a break from the studying!



And all that while enjoying a nice lunch.

30|09|2024 Burst your Bubble

Do you long to discover the things that make us who we are?


Life unfolds in different ways for everyone and being a human can be wonderfully diverse which we tend to forget these days. We at TINT and Burst your Bubble will bring together students with different walks of life from our community at TU/e to show you what makes us, us. Join to experience this unique event and discover the stories of people, in a deeply personal way. Life stories can take us to places, situations and emotions that we have never imagined before... And we love that! Expect heartening, raw and honest stories that will broaden your horizons.


We welcome everyone to join us for this inspiring evening!

15|10|2024 PhD Workshop Work-life Balance

How do you feel about your current Work-Life balance? In your PhD it can be difficult to find balance between all the things you’d like to do and to deal with the stress that might come with these activities. But there are tools available to help you find that balance!


This workshop offered by TINT focuses on managing the various responsibilities in life and offers a reality check; how are you doing? How do you find balance between the things in life that give you energy and those that cost you energy?


In an interactive manner, TINT life coach Margit van Tuijl helps you to reflect on your current Work-Life balance and explore ideas on how to take steps toward the balance you might long for.

20|11|2024 Let's Talk About Sex

Ever found it awkward or intimidating to talk about sex? Wished you could talk more openly about it? Join our workshop, made to help you feel more comfortable and empowered to express your wants and needs.


Kimberly Drabbels, will guide you through some tips and a little exercise to practice communicating your wishes (don’t worry, the exercise isn’t directly sex-related). Then, Merel Asselbergs, doing her Master’s degree in sexology, will show you positive perspectives on common sexual beliefs and guide you through a practical exercise on communicating boundaries for more enjoyable and fulfilling experiences. Get a unique chance to ask questions to a sexologist and talk about sex, as openly as you are comfortable with. You might pick up ideas for more satisfying relationships or see you’re not alone in your experiences. Let’s open up the conversation together!

27|11|2024 Map Out Your Skills - with AEGEE

People have a huge variety of qualities and values. It is what makes us so complex and unique. But this also makes it impossible to express all our qualities all the time. Some valuable qualities might stay in the back, overpowered by the others. Do you know what your qualities are? What qualities are you not showing to the world?


In this workshop given by our life coach Margit van Tuijl, we will support you in finding your skills and how they may shape your life. After a nice dinner, we will explore your opposing qualities that often go unnoticed,learn to appreciate the ones that go unnoticed, and explore ways to give space for them in our lives. By working with these opposing values, we will learn to let our different qualities complement each other and find a better balance. 


With this workshop, we want to give you a better understanding of yourself and the ability to embrace all sides of yourself!


03|12|2024 Emotions D&D

Would you like to escape from the real struggles in daily life to battle them in heroic tales and fantasies? And get grip on something that might seem intangible in real life; your emotional wellbeing?


Come play this unique game based on Dungeons and Dragons; a quest towards personal growth. What would you do if you could actually combat the sources of stress, insecurity, and other challenges you face in daily life? Perhaps this game can offer a new perspective on real life.


No worries, you don’t need any pre-knowledge on how the game works, our amazing dungeon masters will guide you through it. So pick up your arms and join us for this new challenge!






10 & 11|12|2024 Plan(t) your future

When was the last time you stopped to reflect on your life? How is everything going? What is your next step? 


TINT and Wervingsdagen are giving a workshop to give that moment to reflect on your life with a nature metaphor: to think about your life as a tree. How do you want to grow?


Personal growth is a process influenced by your past (your roots), that you control in your present (your stem), to achieve your dreams in the future (your branches). In this workshop, you use your experiences from the past to find inspiring ideas for your future. For this whole process, you can count on the smooth guidance of TINT life coach, Margit van Tuijl, every step of the way. You will also get the chance to share ideas and get inspiration from each other.

12|02|2025 When cultures meet

How do you experience the cultural differences in your daily life as a student? Do you find it easy to work with or make friends with fellow students from other backgrounds than your own?


Join TINT and Studium Generale for an interactive evening exploring cultural differences and the challenges and opportunities they bring. We are all used to our own habits and customs, but when interacting with people from other parts of the world, you will discover that your way of thinking and engaging with others is far from universal. Despite the possible confusion and misunderstandings, this can be very enriching if we are open for it. ⁠

In this event, Kirtika van Hunen-Malla will  equip you with intercultural skills. Then, Ineke Hurkmans will apply the Jump movement method to burst your cultural bubble. By setting aside assumptions and taking time to observe and listen, we’ll take the first steps toward greater mutual understanding.


TINT Eindhoven

Eindhoven University of Technology

Atlas building, 2nd floor

Groene Loper 3

5612 AE Eindhoven

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